Vendor Landing Pages and Conversion (il)Logic

il·log·i·cal /iˈläjikəl/ Adjective Lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning: “an illogical fear”. Synonyms inconsequent – irrational – illegitimate – unreasonable A vendor sells me a service in which I (pay them) and I am supposed to direct my website traffic to their website and conversion takes place on their web page. Huh? Are you serious? … Read more

Another Name for Structured Data Rel="Author"

Another day another announcement form Google that speaks to the future importance of implementing all forms of structured data, regardless of how you or others choose to define the concept. Google has pushed this concept before, but I like to point out that in aggregate Google is pushing the concept of tagging your data using schema … Read more

Google's Structured Data Markup Helper Tool

The near-term future of SEO is Rich Snippets, Schema Tags, Strukturierte Daten or Structured Data. However you choose to call it, the topic, structured data, is the very definition of search engine optimization and its not a superficial task that can be remedied in a day or two. Who says SEO is dead (again)? I’ve always … Read more