Does Google Ads Scheduling Take Into Account Time Zones?

The short answer is No. With all this AI that Google applies to other areas, why can’t they handle time zones for ads? Thats seems so ’00 to me.

For instance, they can tell that I need reading glasses because of the movements I make with my phone (all true – I have the proof). But back on topic…

…your ads will be shown based on your default time zone settings and not as per the location’s time zone which you include.

You don’t have to be a cynic to believe that its lucrative for Google not to offer more precision in ad scheduling. A little shloshing-around of my ad dollars never hurts (Google).

Before we look at an example, lets level-set. There are plenty of Google Ads campaigns that target regions with multiple time zones (there are actually more than 24 around the globe). Even a US focused campaign is reasonably looking to handle 5 time zones.

So as an example, my company is based in New York (EST), but obviously California is a large target market. My target audience buying hours peak at 11PM (in any time zone) and run until about 2AM, tapering off @5AM (least sales).

If I need to schedule maintenance down-time for my online shop, I already have a problem loosing sales in a time zone. If I’m down @ 4AM EST, Im not selling to those late-night shoppers in California, Hawaii & Alaska.

Salt in the wound, I SURE DON’T WAN TO RUN ADS while I’m offline. How do I handle 5+ time zones?

Google is no help here. If I want to avoid wasting precious ad spend, I have to setup a campaign for each time zone, don’t I? That’s also expensive to setup and to maintain.

I’m not the first to run into this problem. What I wonder is why Google can’t handle this obvious problem? Its not a technological challenge is it?