Google to use HTTPS as a Ranking Signal

Its true you dont have to do anything and no retribution from Google will come your way, but if you are in a competitive business niche, this does not seem to be an option for you, as your competition only needs to implement https on their website (server) in order to get a boost in search results.

Don’t Duplicate Your Meta Descriptions

Is it necessary for every page to have a meta description? Google’s Matt Cutts says “Don’t Duplicate Your Meta Descriptions. It is better to let Google auto-create snippets for your pages versus having duplicate meta descriptions.” For car dealer websites, thats a huge insight because for one, we don’t really know what Google really judges … Read more

What About Social Media

Retention and advocacy are important parts of the buying cycle. Where search engages, social keeps consumers attached to the brand. That’s all you need to understand about Social Media vs. Search Engine Marketing. Search is about selling to new customers. Social is about follow-on sales. Define which it is that your business profits from and … Read more