How Much Should You Pay for Internet Marketing Services?

The answer to this question is one of the most sought after when seeking to engage an Internet Marketing firm or professional. But there is very little tangible information online on the topic, so I hope to clear things up a bit. Hopefully you can gain some confidence in the engagement you are about to … Read more

Conversion Statistics

Just some useful statistics on conversions as I’ve found them somewhere else or from my client analytics. In the interest of keeping this usable as a reference tool, this is intentionally brief. Perhaps I’ll expand more on certain points as necessary. All statistics are no older than 2018. @ 60% of all conversions happen during … Read more

The Simple How To Measure Conversions and ROI

Measuring your ROI and determining your advertising spend does not have to be overly complicated if you just need a back-of-napkin estimate. Here is the easiest way you can get the numbers you need to start making better decisions about the money you spend online. Open your Google Analytics (GA) and create a Goal from … Read more