Advertise With Precision

How do you set Ad bids per product so that your ROI stays within the boundaries that produce a desired margin. Its not too difficult when you sell only one product. But how does one calculate and set bids accurately on hundreds or thousands of products? Every business owner knows their approximate Operating Margin. So … Read more

Should You Disable Google Assistant Calls in Your Google My Business Listing

This is one of those default opt-in settings in Google My Business (GMB) that is also cleverly hidden in plain sight. What are Assistant Calls? Why is it turned on by default? Why should I care? What is it? Its a intermediary Google service feature between your customer and your business. (Google Service is an … Read more

Comparison Of Google Bidding Strategies

Put on your readers and set-aside the kool-aid while I compare Google Ads Bid Strategies using various campaign types from a real-world eCommerce business. This is not your usual theory-blog maximized for SEO (I’m not counting words – so tired of long, empty articles written as search rank spam, aren’t you?) And this is not … Read more