What are Internet Assets

And while we may call our services Digital Marketing, it is more accurate to call it Internet Business Management. The Elephant Parable is a useful analogy to understand why businesses struggle with the intangible characteristics of marketing on the Internet. The Elephant Parable is a story of a group of blind men who have never … Read more

Advertise With Precision

How do you set Ad bids per product so that your ROI stays within the boundaries that produce a desired margin. Its not too difficult when you sell only one product. But how does one calculate and set bids accurately on hundreds or thousands of products? Every business owner knows their approximate Operating Margin. So … Read more

Avoid Sales Disruptions Due To 3rd Party Screw-ups

This routine will sell more – guaranteed, because you will eliminate hours of down-time that otherwise would have gone undetected. It will also help debug/refine your Ad Campaigns (which are often set-it-and-forget-it) and even improve your organic results (more clicks!). When you see competition ahead of you in organic results everyday, you might eventually get irritated enough to act! Do some SEO.